Superb (and Easy!) Boneless Short Ribs


The elusive moist, tender, I-can’t-stop-eating-it, get-back-or-I’ll-stab-your-hand short ribs.

I think I’ve tried short ribs every single time they’re on the menu. Even the ‘bad’ ones were great. Each time I’d come home excitedly to try making them myself. I wouldn’t say they were an epic failure…but they just weren’t as good as I’d had in restaurants (seriously, every time it’s like a war-of-forks when the Hubbs and I try to share!). Then I met the boneless chuck short rib. These are not just short ribs with the bone removed-they’re a whole different cut entirely. More like a chuck roast cut into fat strips. Accordingly, they turn out fork tender with the same treatment-low and slow. There’s not much prep involved-just a bit of a wait time while they cook. And it’s so worth the wait—give ’em a try!

  • Boneless chuck short ribs (I always cook a load-they go fast!)
  • Beef broth to cover about 1/2 way up the ribs
  • a few carrots, onions, and celery; roughly chopped
  • Tomato paste (I used a tablespoon)
  • Bay leaves, rosemary, pepper to taste (salt the juices while reducing)
  • Large saucepan or dutch oven with tight-fitting lid

Sear the bejesus out of your short ribs. I used beef tallow for it’s high smoke point and got a nice crust going.


Searing all sides for a good crust adds flavor and seals in juices.


Man, that’s gonna be good!

Remove ribs to a side plate. Saute the carrots, onion, and celery until just tender—or if you have a bit more time, caramelize them a little for extra flavor. Add the tomato paste a cook for a minute or two. Add the ribs in and cover with broth about 1/2 way up.


Wilt or caramelize your veggies.


Cover with broth 1/2 way up the sides of the meat.

Add your lid and pop in the oven at 300 degrees with a well-fitting lid (put foil on the edges to help seal up if yours doesn’t seal well). Alternatively you can barely simmer on the stovetop. Cook the ribs until they’re fork tender. You’ll know you’ve got it right when they give with the slightest pressure—the Hubbs says ‘like butter’. Any fat or connective tissue will have melted. Reduce your juices until they coat the back of a spoon slightly. No need to strain, just let ’em rip.


Let ’em go low and slow! Try not to peek too much.

You can eat your ribs at this point-with a bit of your reduced juices-or for super awesome ribs, place them in a single, flat layer in a pan, cover with foil, and refrigerate overnight.


For the best ribs, place in a single layer and refrigerate, covered, overnight.

Heat the next day by placing under a broiler until just warm. Pour on the reduced juices and go to town. I promise next time you’ll do double or triple batches!


Go to town! They-re great on their own, with their cooked veggies, with roasted veggies, over risotto, or over creamy grits with their juices.


2 thoughts on “Superb (and Easy!) Boneless Short Ribs

  1. August 1, 2014 at 1:14 am | Mary says:
    I will definitely try this one for my hubby. He orders when we go out. Thanks so much for the directions. ❤️

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